Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin major update: version 8.3.0

The Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP) has been updated to version 8.3.0.
This new version requires Remotior Sensus to be updated to at least version 0.4.0.

During the update process of SCP from version 7 to version 8, several tools were excluded in order to give priority to the main plugin functions.
With this 8.3.0 update, several tools are reintroduced, such as Clustering tool for unsupervised classification (K-means method), the Spectral distance tool, the Edit raster tool, and the Raster zonal stats.

Moreover, this update implements the interface language localization, therefore it is possible to translate the interface to your native language following this guide.

Following the complete changelog:
  • added new Clustering tool in Band processing
  • added new Spectral distance tool in Band processing
  • added new Edit raster tool in Postprocessing
  • added new Raster zonal stats tool in Postprocessing
  • fixed training input issue with spectral signature calculation with new Band sets
  • implemented interface language localization
  • in Band combination new option to avoid output raster creation
  • fixed logging
  • minor bug fixing

The Spectral distance tool allows for calculating the spectral distance between every corresponding pixel of two band sets. The output is a raster containing the spectral distance of each pixel.

The Edit raster tool for the direct editing of pixel values in a raster. Only pixels beneath ROI polygons or vector polygons are edited.

The Raster zonal stats allows for calculating the statistics related to an input raster for every unique value of a reference vector. For example, if a vector file contains a numeric field zone, this tool allows for calculating the mean value (for each zone) of input raster pixels.

For any comment or question, join the Facebook group or GitHub discussions about the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin.

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