A study about demographic growth and remote sensing presented at FOSS4G Argentina 2016

I was recently informed that the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP) for QGIS is cited in an interesting paper (in Spanish) by Patricia Alejandra Rosell and Magalí Natalia Vicente (graduated at the Departamento de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina), which was presented at the FOSS4G Argentina 2016 (Conferencia de Geomática Libre Buenos Aires, Argentina. 5-9 de Abril), an important conference about free geographic software.
The authors used several Landsat images, processed using the SCP, in order to calculate spectral indices related to built-up, and estimating urban growth from 1986 to 2015 in the study area of Puan Partido (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina).

The NDVI calculated for 1986 (Rosell and Vicente, 2016)

The full paper (in Spanish) is available here. Following the abstract in Spanish and English.

El modelo urbano aparece desde el momento en que las poblaciones se convierten en sedentarias, desarrollando actividades como el comercio o la administración. Surgen así los primeros pueblos que, tras las grandes revoluciones mundiales, se vieron obligados a llevar un crecimiento ordenado, cómodo y en relación con la naturaleza. La única forma de que las urbes crezcan en forma controlada y ordenada es por medio de Códigos de Planeamiento Urbano, los cuales indican las pautas a seguir ante el avance constructivo. El presente trabajo analiza el proceso de urbanización y el riesgo ambiental asociado al crecimiento urbano de Darregueira por medio de imágenes satelitales. En base a los resultados, se buscará hacerle saber a las autoridades locales si existe la necesidad de una actualización del marco legal vigente, en materia de urbanización y zonificación. 

The urban model starts when the populations became sedentary, developing activities as commerce or services. That is the origin of the first settlements which after world’s revolutions are forced to keep an ordered and comfortable growing in relation with nature. This is possible using Planning Legislations which provides the legal framework to order and regulate land use. The aim of this report is analyse the urban process and environmental risk generated in Darregueira through satellite imagery. This study also pretends to suggest, to the local authorities, if exist the need of an upgrade in urbanization and zoning matters. 

Very kindly, the authors also sent me the conference presentation which is available here.

I am always glad to see that the SCP is useful to researchers. 
I am grateful to the authors for their kindness in sharing these documents, and I invite you to share your work related to the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin with the Facebook group and the Google+ Community.

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