Remotior Sensus: Released a new Python package for image classification and GIS spatial analyses

I am very glad to announce the availability of a new Python package that I developed for image classification and GIS spatial analyses:

      Remotior Sensus 

Remotior Sensus (which is Latin for “a more remote sense”) is a Python package that allows for the processing of remote sensing images and GIS data, which has the main objective to simplify the processing of remote sensing data through practical and integrated APIs that span from the download and preprocessing of satellite images to the postprocessing of classifications and GIS data. 
Basic dependencies are NumPySciPy for calculations, and GDAL for managing spatial data.
The main features are:
  • Search and Download of remote sensing data such as Landsat and Sentinel-2.
  • Preprocessing of several products such as Landsat and Sentinel-2 images.
  • Processing and postprocessing tools to perform image classification through machine learning, manage GIS data and perform spatial analyses
  • Parallel processing available for most processing tools.

WARNING: Remotior Sensus is still in early development; new tools are going to be added, tools and APIs may change, and one may encounter issues and bugs using Remotior Sensus.

Several tools are available, such as band calculation, band classification, band sieve, band erosion and band combination.
For installing Remotior Sensus and the related dependencies we can use a Conda environment.

conda create -c conda-forge --name environment python=3.10
conda activate environment
conda install -c conda-forge remotior-sensus scikit-learn pytorch

In the next few weeks I'll publish new posts with installation guide and tutorials.

For more information you can visit the official site:
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